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geodemo module

Main module for the geodemo package.


This Map class inherits the ipyleaflet Map class.


Name Type Description Default
ipyleaflet ipyleaflet.Map

An ipyleaflet map.


add_ee_layer(self, ee_object, vis_params={}, name=None, shown=True, opacity=1.0)

Adds a given EE object to the map as a layer.


Name Type Description Default
ee_object Collection|Feature|Image|MapId

The object to add to the map.

vis_params dict

The visualization parameters. Defaults to {}.

name str

The name of the layer. Defaults to 'Layer N'.

shown bool

A flag indicating whether the layer should be on by default. Defaults to True.

opacity float

The layer's opacity represented as a number between 0 and 1. Defaults to 1.

Source code in geodemo/
def add_ee_layer(
    self, ee_object, vis_params={}, name=None, shown=True, opacity=1.0
    """Adds a given EE object to the map as a layer.
        ee_object (Collection|Feature|Image|MapId): The object to add to the map.
        vis_params (dict, optional): The visualization parameters. Defaults to {}.
        name (str, optional): The name of the layer. Defaults to 'Layer N'.
        shown (bool, optional): A flag indicating whether the layer should be on by default. Defaults to True.
        opacity (float, optional): The layer's opacity represented as a number between 0 and 1. Defaults to 1.

    ee_layer = ee_tile_layer(ee_object, vis_params, name, shown, opacity)

add_geojson(self, in_geojson, style=None, layer_name='Untitled')

Adds a GeoJSON file to the map.


Name Type Description Default
in_geojson str

The file path to the input GeoJSON.

style dict

The style for the GeoJSON layer. Defaults to None.

layer_name str

The layer name for the GeoJSON layer. Defaults to "Untitled".



Type Description

If the provided file path does not exist.


If the input geojson is not a str or dict.

Source code in geodemo/
def add_geojson(self, in_geojson, style=None, layer_name="Untitled"):
    """Adds a GeoJSON file to the map.

        in_geojson (str): The file path to the input GeoJSON.
        style (dict, optional): The style for the GeoJSON layer. Defaults to None.
        layer_name (str, optional): The layer name for the GeoJSON layer. Defaults to "Untitled".

        FileNotFoundError: If the provided file path does not exist.
        TypeError: If the input geojson is not a str or dict.

    import json

    if layer_name == "Untitled":
        layer_name = "Untitled " + random_string()

    if isinstance(in_geojson, str):

        if not os.path.exists(in_geojson):
            raise FileNotFoundError("The provided GeoJSON file could not be found.")

        with open(in_geojson) as f:
            data = json.load(f)

    elif isinstance(in_geojson, dict):
        data = in_geojson

        raise TypeError("The input geojson must be a type of str or dict.")

    if style is None:
        style = {
            "stroke": True,
            "color": "#000000",
            "weight": 2,
            "opacity": 1,
            "fill": True,
            "fillColor": "#0000ff",
            "fillOpacity": 0.4,

    geo_json = ipyleaflet.GeoJSON(data=data, style=style, name=layer_name)

add_points_from_csv(self, in_csv, x='longitude', y='latitude', label=None, layer_name='Marker cluster')

Adds points from a CSV file containing lat/lon information and display data on the map.


Name Type Description Default
in_csv str

The file path to the input CSV file.

x str

The name of the column containing longitude coordinates. Defaults to "longitude".

y str

The name of the column containing latitude coordinates. Defaults to "latitude".

label str

The name of the column containing label information to used for marker popup. Defaults to None.

layer_name str

The layer name to use. Defaults to "Marker cluster".

'Marker cluster'


Type Description

The specified input csv does not exist.


The specified x column does not exist.


The specified y column does not exist.


The specified label column does not exist.

Source code in geodemo/
def add_points_from_csv(
    layer_name="Marker cluster",
    """Adds points from a CSV file containing lat/lon information and display data on the map.

        in_csv (str): The file path to the input CSV file.
        x (str, optional): The name of the column containing longitude coordinates. Defaults to "longitude".
        y (str, optional): The name of the column containing latitude coordinates. Defaults to "latitude".
        label (str, optional): The name of the column containing label information to used for marker popup. Defaults to None.
        layer_name (str, optional): The layer name to use. Defaults to "Marker cluster".

        FileNotFoundError: The specified input csv does not exist.
        ValueError: The specified x column does not exist.
        ValueError: The specified y column does not exist.
        ValueError: The specified label column does not exist.
    import pandas as pd
    import ipywidgets as widgets
    from ipyleaflet import Marker, MarkerCluster

    if not os.path.exists(in_csv):
        raise FileNotFoundError("The specified input csv does not exist.")

    df = pd.read_csv(in_csv)
    col_names = df.columns.values.tolist()

    if x not in col_names:
        raise ValueError(f"x must be one of the following: {', '.join(col_names)}")

    if y not in col_names:
        raise ValueError(f"y must be one of the following: {', '.join(col_names)}")

    if label is not None and (label not in col_names):
        raise ValueError(
            f"label must be one of the following: {', '.join(col_names)}"

    points = list(zip(df[y], df[x]))

    self.default_style = {"cursor": "wait"}
    if label is not None:
        labels = df[label]
        markers = [
                location=point, draggable=False, popup=widgets.HTML(labels[index])
            for index, point in enumerate(points)
        markers = [Marker(location=point, draggable=False) for point in points]

    marker_cluster = MarkerCluster(markers=markers, name=layer_name)
    self.default_style = {"cursor": "default"}

add_shapefile(self, in_shp, style=None, layer_name='Untitled')

Adds a shapefile layer to the map.


Name Type Description Default
in_shp str

The file path to the input shapefile.

style dict

The style dictionary. Defaults to None.

layer_name str

The layer name for the shapefile layer. Defaults to "Untitled".

Source code in geodemo/
def add_shapefile(self, in_shp, style=None, layer_name="Untitled"):
    """Adds a shapefile layer to the map.

        in_shp (str): The file path to the input shapefile.
        style (dict, optional): The style dictionary. Defaults to None.
        layer_name (str, optional): The layer name for the shapefile layer. Defaults to "Untitled".
    geojson = shp_to_geojson(in_shp)
    self.add_geojson(geojson, style=style, layer_name=layer_name)

addLayer(self, ee_object, vis_params={}, name=None, shown=True, opacity=1.0)

Adds a given EE object to the map as a layer.


Name Type Description Default
ee_object Collection|Feature|Image|MapId

The object to add to the map.

vis_params dict

The visualization parameters. Defaults to {}.

name str

The name of the layer. Defaults to 'Layer N'.

shown bool

A flag indicating whether the layer should be on by default. Defaults to True.

opacity float

The layer's opacity represented as a number between 0 and 1. Defaults to 1.

Source code in geodemo/
def add_ee_layer(
    self, ee_object, vis_params={}, name=None, shown=True, opacity=1.0
    """Adds a given EE object to the map as a layer.
        ee_object (Collection|Feature|Image|MapId): The object to add to the map.
        vis_params (dict, optional): The visualization parameters. Defaults to {}.
        name (str, optional): The name of the layer. Defaults to 'Layer N'.
        shown (bool, optional): A flag indicating whether the layer should be on by default. Defaults to True.
        opacity (float, optional): The layer's opacity represented as a number between 0 and 1. Defaults to 1.

    ee_layer = ee_tile_layer(ee_object, vis_params, name, shown, opacity)

csv_to_geojson(in_csv, out_geojson, x='longitude', y='latitude')

Creates points for a CSV file and exports data as a GeoJSON.


Name Type Description Default
in_csv str

The file path to the input CSV file.

out_geojson str

The file path to the exported GeoJSON.

x str

The name of the column containing longitude coordinates. Defaults to "longitude".

y str

The name of the column containing latitude coordinates. Defaults to "latitude".



Type Description

The specified input csv does not exist.


The specified x column does not exist.


The specified y column does not exist.


The specified label column does not exist.

Source code in geodemo/
def csv_to_geojson(in_csv, out_geojson, x="longitude", y="latitude"):
    """Creates points for a CSV file and exports data as a GeoJSON.

        in_csv (str): The file path to the input CSV file.
        out_geojson (str): The file path to the exported GeoJSON.
        x (str, optional): The name of the column containing longitude coordinates. Defaults to "longitude".
        y (str, optional): The name of the column containing latitude coordinates. Defaults to "latitude".

        FileNotFoundError: The specified input csv does not exist.
        ValueError: The specified x column does not exist.
        ValueError: The specified y column does not exist.
        ValueError: The specified label column does not exist.
    import pandas as pd
    import geopandas as gpd

    if not os.path.exists(in_csv):
        raise FileNotFoundError("The input csv does not exist.")

    if not out_geojson.lower().endswith(".geojson"):
        raise ValueError("out_geojson must have the .geojson file extension.")

    out_dir = os.path.dirname(out_geojson)
    if not os.path.exists(out_dir):

    df = pd.read_csv(in_csv)
    col_names = df.columns.values.tolist()

    if x not in col_names:
        raise ValueError(f"x must be one of the following: {', '.join(col_names)}")

    if y not in col_names:
        raise ValueError(f"y must be one of the following: {', '.join(col_names)}")

    gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
        df, crs="epsg:4326", geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(df[x], df[y])
    gdf.to_file(out_geojson, driver="GeoJSON")

csv_to_shp(in_csv, out_shp, x='longitude', y='latitude')

Creates points for a CSV file and exports data as a shapefile.


Name Type Description Default
in_csv str

The file path to the input CSV file.

out_shp str

The file path to the exported shapefile.

x str

The name of the column containing longitude coordinates. Defaults to "longitude".

y str

The name of the column containing latitude coordinates. Defaults to "latitude".



Type Description

The specified input csv does not exist.


The specified x column does not exist.


The specified y column does not exist.


The specified label column does not exist.

Source code in geodemo/
def csv_to_shp(in_csv, out_shp, x="longitude", y="latitude"):
    """Creates points for a CSV file and exports data as a shapefile.

        in_csv (str): The file path to the input CSV file.
        out_shp (str): The file path to the exported shapefile.
        x (str, optional): The name of the column containing longitude coordinates. Defaults to "longitude".
        y (str, optional): The name of the column containing latitude coordinates. Defaults to "latitude".

        FileNotFoundError: The specified input csv does not exist.
        ValueError: The specified x column does not exist.
        ValueError: The specified y column does not exist.
        ValueError: The specified label column does not exist.
    import pandas as pd
    import geopandas as gpd

    if not os.path.exists(in_csv):
        raise FileNotFoundError("The input csv does not exist.")

    if not out_shp.lower().endswith(".shp"):
        raise ValueError("out_shp must be a shapefile ending with .shp")

    out_dir = os.path.dirname(out_shp)
    if not os.path.exists(out_dir):

    df = pd.read_csv(in_csv)
    col_names = df.columns.values.tolist()

    if x not in col_names:
        raise ValueError(f"x must be one of the following: {', '.join(col_names)}")

    if y not in col_names:
        raise ValueError(f"y must be one of the following: {', '.join(col_names)}")

    gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
        df, crs="epsg:4326", geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(df[x], df[y])

ee_tile_layer(ee_object, vis_params={}, name='Layer untitled', shown=True, opacity=1.0)

Converts and Earth Engine layer to ipyleaflet TileLayer.


Name Type Description Default
ee_object Collection|Feature|Image|MapId

The object to add to the map.

vis_params dict

The visualization parameters. Defaults to {}.

name str

The name of the layer. Defaults to 'Layer untitled'.

'Layer untitled'
shown bool

A flag indicating whether the layer should be on by default. Defaults to True.

opacity float

The layer's opacity represented as a number between 0 and 1. Defaults to 1.

Source code in geodemo/
def ee_tile_layer(
    ee_object, vis_params={}, name="Layer untitled", shown=True, opacity=1.0
    """Converts and Earth Engine layer to ipyleaflet TileLayer.
        ee_object (Collection|Feature|Image|MapId): The object to add to the map.
        vis_params (dict, optional): The visualization parameters. Defaults to {}.
        name (str, optional): The name of the layer. Defaults to 'Layer untitled'.
        shown (bool, optional): A flag indicating whether the layer should be on by default. Defaults to True.
        opacity (float, optional): The layer's opacity represented as a number between 0 and 1. Defaults to 1.

    image = None

    if (
        not isinstance(ee_object, ee.Image)
        and not isinstance(ee_object, ee.ImageCollection)
        and not isinstance(ee_object, ee.FeatureCollection)
        and not isinstance(ee_object, ee.Feature)
        and not isinstance(ee_object, ee.Geometry)
        err_str = "\n\nThe image argument in 'addLayer' function must be an instace of one of ee.Image, ee.Geometry, ee.Feature or ee.FeatureCollection."
        raise AttributeError(err_str)

    if (
        isinstance(ee_object, ee.geometry.Geometry)
        or isinstance(ee_object, ee.feature.Feature)
        or isinstance(ee_object, ee.featurecollection.FeatureCollection)
        features = ee.FeatureCollection(ee_object)

        width = 2

        if "width" in vis_params:
            width = vis_params["width"]

        color = "000000"

        if "color" in vis_params:
            color = vis_params["color"]

        image_fill =**{"fillColor": color}).updateMask(
        image_outline =
            **{"color": color, "fillColor": "00000000", "width": width}

        image = image_fill.blend(image_outline)
    elif isinstance(ee_object, ee.image.Image):
        image = ee_object
    elif isinstance(ee_object, ee.imagecollection.ImageCollection):
        image = ee_object.mosaic()

    map_id_dict = ee.Image(image).getMapId(vis_params)
    tile_layer = TileLayer(
        attribution="Google Earth Engine",
    return tile_layer

shp_to_geojson(in_shp, out_geojson=None)

Converts a shapefile to GeoJSON.


Name Type Description Default
in_shp str

The file path to the input shapefile.

out_geojson str

The file path to the output GeoJSON. Defaults to None.



Type Description

If the input shapefile does not exist.


Type Description

The dictionary of the GeoJSON.

Source code in geodemo/
def shp_to_geojson(in_shp, out_geojson=None):
    """Converts a shapefile to GeoJSON.

        in_shp (str): The file path to the input shapefile.
        out_geojson (str, optional): The file path to the output GeoJSON. Defaults to None.

        FileNotFoundError: If the input shapefile does not exist.

        dict: The dictionary of the GeoJSON.
    import json
    import shapefile

    in_shp = os.path.abspath(in_shp)

    if not os.path.exists(in_shp):
        raise FileNotFoundError("The provided shapefile could not be found.")

    sf = shapefile.Reader(in_shp)
    geojson = sf.__geo_interface__

    if out_geojson is None:
        return geojson
        out_geojson = os.path.abspath(out_geojson)
        out_dir = os.path.dirname(out_geojson)
        if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
        with open(out_geojson, "w") as f:

Last update: 2021-05-07